Major Outage


All services are now operational and gateways are checking in online and reporting data. Monnit’s team will provide an update to you via this site and once we have a response from our DB team as to the failure. Please be patient as we collect this information and prepare a statement. Thank you again for your patience.


Thank you for your patience. You will see gateways starting to come back online on their own. Data will be restored. We expect all services to be fully functioning within the next 30-60 mins (if not sooner). A detailed report will be forthcoming once our team is available to provide one to us. Thank you again and we apologize for the unexpected outage.


Update: we are still working on reestablishing connection with the servers. Sensors and gateways are storing data points; data will be restored as soon as gateways reconnect with the servers. We apologize for the outage and will report what happened once our team has everything restored. Thank you for your patience.


Investigating major outage in message processing.

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